
It is a lovely evening as I write this post, made all the more special because it has been very grey and dull again here. I have had a very nice week though with lots of blue sky thinking about possibilities as life gets back to normal.

I went out on Saturday, for the first time in 16 weeks, to have a pizza at the lovely Katie’s Kitchen in the village. It was so nice to be able to sit and chat to my friends and we had a lovely face to face catch up. I have seen some of them briefly in real life in the village but not for any length of time. We are hoping to have a Wool and Wine meet up again this week at another friend’s house who has a large covered patio area and barn.

This will be the last post for possibly a while as we are off for a series of holidays (hopefully) to Whitby this coming weekend, then camping with my sister. We would have been going to the Whitby Steampunk weekend but decided that, since we had already booked and paid for our hotel, to go and support the local economy. We are planning some nice meals out, afternoon teas and a trip to two National Trust sites.

I am still hoping to go to Spain as well at the start of August, fingers crossed that all stays ok for that but hopefully with lots of positive blue sky thinking all will be well.

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The rest of the time has been concentrating on the knitting of the Little Cotton Rabbits animals. I am making up one of the mice that I have in stash but decided to knit some new body parts to co-ordinate with the outfit. I have this lovely variegated wool so this is the body and the top of the tights.


The tights themselves are striped and use the same wool as the shoes, as well as the variegated wool.


I am also going to be using the darker lilac wool for the top of a romper suit. This is a modification of two of the patterns and I have been very inspired by these gorgeous creations from the 浏览器 | 安卓中文网:2021-5-14 · 安卓中文网提供原创独家的手机数码,智能硬件,消费电子产品相关新闻、评测、视频、图赏类内容,同时关注汽车科技 ...


LCR Jaqueline Hastings Romper

LCR Susan Kinnersly Romper

These are from Christine Batty for the reindeer in pink, Jacqueline Hastings for the bunny in the nighttime romper (with amazing cute toy cat and hot water bottle!) and Susan Kinnersly for the bear in the beautiful green. I love your creativity and you have really inspired me.

Android TV 安卓电视上的网页浏览器推荐 - V2EX:2021-9-4 · Android - @wangzimeng - 前段时间买了新安卓电视,Android 6.0 (索尼的电视,具体参数不详),特来请教安卓电视都有哪些网页浏览器值得推荐。谢谢先!

LCR Mouse romper 1


These are not going to have pockets though the original dungaree pattern does and may have a fancy top half if I can work something out with the dress pattern section. It will keep my brain working to experiment anyway.

Work is officially over on Wednesday for three whole weeks! When I come back we shall no doubt have to have some more blue sky thinking to be creative in working out how we teach in very different circumstances, but we shall see what happens in late September. At least it will be good to have a nice long break, I am so tired at the moment and really looking forward to it.

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Take care and stay safe what ever you are doing and thanks for visiting.